Jackson Galaxy Solutions FAQ
Have Questions? Need Help?
We've assembled this comprehensive set of Frequently Asked Questions to help you get the most out of your Holistic Solutions.
Our all-natural Holistic Solutions were designed by a veterinarian and have been helping pets for over 20 years. Let us help improve your pet's health and wellbeing!
How do they work?
Jackson Galaxy Solutions are not treating specific behaviors, but rather the emotional or energetic imbalances underlying them. Animals (like humans) can develop not only behavioral, but even physical problems due to the systematic upset caused by mental and emotional trauma. Essences correct a negative emotional state by “flooding” the patient with the opposite, positive quality that is the particular essence of that flower, animal, or other energy. For instance, the essence of the flower Holly is love. We use Holly in our Solutions that treat situations where there is lack of love (i.e. anger, jealousy, rage).
By helping the animal feel happier and more secure, we increase the likelihood that behavioral problems will be correspondingly diminished or eliminated. While no treatment can be guaranteed to work for every single case, it is a very rare animal that does not noticeably respond to Jackson Galaxy Solutions.
What issues can they treat?
Essences can help with the underlying energetic imbalances and stresses of many physical conditions, such as asthma, IBD, and arthritis, but they can also be great for the treatment of behavior problems, such as:
- Urine marking/spraying and litter box problems
- Jealousy, aggression, and conflict
- Separation anxiety
- Excessive vocalization
- Fearfulness
- Grief
- Acceptance of new animals or people
- Travel stress and trailering problems
- Problems with training or habit-breaking
- Performance issues in show, working, and racing animals (dogs, horses, and cats)
- Recovery from illness, injury, or surgery
- Coping with chronic disease
Who should use Jackson Galaxy Solutions?
The majority of solutions are formulated to work on all animals, while others are designed for specific species like cats, or dogs.
When will I see results?
Results will vary as all animals are different. We have worked with many pets who have responded after the first dose, while others have taken up to 6-8 weeks for the first sign of improvement. We have also found that for some pets, more support, such as behavior modification, is necessary and without it, the pets do not show long-lasting and positive results. Improvement is usually established within 2-4 weeks.
Please note that consistency is key and using our formulas on a consistent basis will allow for the best healing and balancing outcome.
Anything else I need to know before I start using the Solutions?
Jackson Galaxy Solutions work best when part of a more holistic treatment program, that may include proper veterinary care, diet, behavior modification, and other holistic modalities.
Your intuition about your animal companion and how to dose with essences is important and should be listened to. That’s why we give you suggestions, instead of mandating a specific list of set instructions.
Please note, Solutions are not meant to interfere with or replace the advice or treatment of your veterinarian. Consult your veterinarian before adding any new product to your pet’s care regimen. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
How do I use Solutions?
There are several ways to give solutions to animals. Always shake well before use by tapping the bottom of the bottle against the palm of your hand approximately 5–10 times before administering. This activates the essence formula and should be done immediately prior to administering each dose. Solutions should be administered 3-4 times per day using any of the following methods:
- Put a few drops in your hand, rub hands together and pet your animal’s head, body, ears, and/or paws. If animals resists touch, you can simply allow the drops to fall directly on their fur.
- Add 3-5 drops to water and food (Remember more drops does not equal better results) Add new drops when you replace the water in the water bowl.
- Use our optional spray top to mist a room, carrier, bedding, car interior, litter box area, stall, trailer, or other specific problem area. Misting the house or apartment is a great way to treat the whole household. No need to mist the animal directly. Some animals may not mind being misted however, and this is fine.
- Apply a few drops to or mist a favorite toy.
Your animal should think of receiving the Solution as a positive thing – like getting treats or petted! Try not to stress out your friend out while administering the essences, it will only undermine the success of the Solutions.
Please note: Solutions are not like medicines or drugs and need not be swallowed. Once the drops contact the animal, they are doing their job. Do not touch the dropper top, nor allow it to touch your pet's mouth or fur. If the bottle dropper contacts anything outside the bottle, simply rinse the dropper in very hot running water for about 30 seconds before replacing it in the bottle.
How do I store they Solutions & when do they expire?
Store Jackson Galaxy Solutions out of direct sunlight and away from strong odors (cosmetics, medicines, spices) or electromagnetic fields (microwave, refrigerator, stereo). In other words, a cabinet is best. Once opened, if stored properly, formulas are good for up to 3 years. Unopened bottles stored in a cool cupboard will often last longer than 3 years.
My animal is doing better, do I have to keep using Solutions?
We have found that most animals will benefit from long-term administration of a maintenance solution. Once improvement is established you can wean the animal off by gradually decreasing the frequency of administration: adding 3-5 drops to the drinking water whenever you replace the water in the bowl, along with a once-a-day administration of 3-5 drops or sprays will probably be adequate.
Please note, some animals may need to remain on essence treatment long term.
Can I use more than one Solution?
Yes! When looking at Solutions and their descriptions, you may find that more than one Solution applies to your animal companion. This is quite common. We have found that many animals benefit from several Solutions. For instance, your nervous cat may benefit from both Stress Stopper and Safe Space for Cats.
You can use multiple Solutions at the same time, but it is important to apply them differently. Our Solutions contain an average of 15-20 essences in them. Mixing them into one application would just be overwhelming for your animal and, honestly, cancel out the singular effect we’ve worked so hard to achieve. The best way to approach this is by splitting out the application methods.
Base Solution - determine which Solution best meets your animals needs, this will be used for a longer period of time. Add 3-5 drops to your pet's drinking water whenever you replace the water in the bowl, and add 3-5 drops to their wet food every day.
Complementary Solution - determine which Solutions will support the animal through its current problem. Apply topically or orally up to four times daily. It can also be administered by putting 2-3 dropper-fulls into an 8 oz plant mister and spritzing socially significant areas like beds, condos, sofas, etc. See "How do I use Solutions?” for detailed application instructions.
Ingredients & more:
What ingredients are in the Solutions?
Each bottle of Jackson Galaxy Solutions is comprised of two types of ingredients: physical and energetic. The physical ingredients are: spring water and alcohol, used as a preservative. The energetic ingredients are: Reiki energy and a variety of flower, animal and gem essences. A complete ingredient listing can be found on the page for each product.
Please note: No actual plant, animal or gem matter is used in our formulas, only the energetic blueprint. Our formulas are non-toxic and safe.
Alcohol has been used as a preservative in flower essences since 1920 and we continue to use this trusted method.
Are Solutions FDA approved?
Flower essences are not regulated by the Food & Drug Administration and as such, the statements made on this website have not been evaluated by the FDA. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease and always consult your veterinarian before adding any new product to your pet’s care regimen.
Will it interfere with medications?
No, Jackson Galaxy Solutions will not interfere with any medications, including the anesthesia used for surgery or dental cleaning. Dr. Jean Hofve, leading holistic veterinarian and co-creator of Jackson Galaxy Solutions says, “because essences work on an energetic rather than physical level, they do not interfere with medical treatments like drugs and surgery; or with alternative therapies such as homeopathy, acupuncture, or herbs; or any other therapy that affects the physical body." Please consult with your veterinarian should you have any questions.
Additional items:
How do I use the Ultimate Peacemaker?
Ultimate Peacemaker is a 3-formula set and one of the long-standing best-sellers in the Jackson Galaxy Solutions line. The set consists of: Bully Solution – to reduce dominant tendencies in ‘bully’ animals. Peacemaker – to ease conflicts between animals. Self-Esteem – helps victim animals stand up for themselves.
Do this first: Tap the bottom of the bottle against the palm of your hand (or shoulder, or other surface) approximately 5 – 10 times before administering.
- Give Bully Solution to the dominant/aggressor animal 3-4 times a day. Apply topically to fur, or put in food.
- Give Peacemaker to all the animals in the house daily. One way to do this is by dropping 3-4 drops into the community water bowls.
- Give Self-Esteem to the picked-on or victim animal 3-4 times a day. Apply topically to fur, or put in food.
What comes in my order?
Our formulas are sold in 2 oz bottles. Each comes with one glass dropper. Spray top or mister may be added at checkout.