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Summer Holidays // #TeamCatMojo Tips

Summer Holidays // #TeamCatMojo Tips

#TeamCatMojo Tips - Summer Holidays

Labor Day is this weekend! Pet guardians should keep in mind that many traditional Labor Day festivities (Planning a Barbeque? Pool Party?) and foods can be dangerous to pets. Here are some tips from us and the ASPCA to keep your pets happy, safe and healthy over the holiday weekend.

1. Pay attention to the heat. Ensure that your pets are getting plenty of water—especially if the weekend is packed with outdoor adventures. If they are outside, make sure there are plenty of shady spots for your pet to escape the sun. We love water fountains like this, and Collapsible Travel Dog Food and Water Bowls.

2. Guard the grill. Like bug spray, the tools (lighter fluid, charcoal, fire, etc.) are incredibly dangerous too.2. Keep an eye on your chemicals. We know you worry about everything that’s under the kitchen sink. But sunscreen and bug spray can be incredibly dangerous too. NEVER apply these to animals (unless the product is specifically designed for them).

3. Keep them away from the human food; alcohol, grapes, onions, and chocolate are just some harmful items for pets. We recommend keeping them on their regular diet. Click here for a list of foods to avoid.

4. Use a life jacket if near the water. If you’ll be boating or spending time by the water, never leave your pets unsupervised. Life jackets aren’t just for humans. Remember Rosie and Lilo from last season of My Cat From Hell?

5. Don’t forget about the fireworks. Loud noises, like the ones caused by fireworks, can be very frightening for pets—in fact, many pets go missing after being scared by loud noises. Keep your pet pals calm and safe from the noise in a quiet, sheltered and escape-proof area. Some of our Holistic Solutions may help.

Helps 'closet cats' who run or cower from touch

Helps reduce territorial stress and their related behaviors such as aggression & marking


Helps ease short-duration stresses such as vet trips, fireworks, vacuum, visitors, etc.

Click here to learn more about what the ASPCA has to say. Got more questions? Keep ‘em coming! Email us at care@jacksongalaxy.com and you might see your query in an upcoming newsletter.

Light, Love & Mojo,


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