Discount Hunt Privacy, Terms, and Conditions
Combination with Other Offers
- Scavenger Hunt discount codes cannot be combined with any other offers, promotions, or discounts. Each code is valid for a single use and must be redeemed independently of any other deals.
First Come, First Serve
- Discount codes are available on a first come, first serve basis. Availability is not guaranteed, and once a code has been used, it cannot be redeemed again.
Single Use Only
- Each discount code can only be used once. After it has been redeemed, it will no longer be valid.
Expiration Date
- All discount codes found during the Scavenger Hunt will expire on August 25, 2024 at 11:59 PM ET. Codes must be redeemed before this date and time to be valid.
- Discount codes are non-transferable and can only be used by the individual who found them during the Scavenger Hunt.
No Cash Value
- Discount codes have no cash value and cannot be exchanged for cash or any other monetary value.
Changes and Modifications
- The terms and conditions of this offer are subject to change at any time without prior notice. It is the participant's responsibility to review the terms and conditions regularly.
- Participants must meet all eligibility requirements of the Scavenger Hunt event to use the discount codes. Codes found through unauthorized means or in violation of the event rules will be considered invalid.
The following brand exclusions apply:
The following products and brands are not applicable to offer: Your Cat Backpack, Cover Your Basics Bundle: Cuddle Up Edition, K&H Kitty Window Lounger, Litter Genie Plus Ultimate Cat Litter Odor Control Pail, Ripple Rug Cat Activity Mat, All Apparel, PetSafe Drinkwell Fountains, Sustainably Yours Cat Litter, The Bully Cat Bundle, The Wallflower Bundle, Ball & String, Catastrophic Creations, Hauspanther/Primetime Petz, and Pet Sauder.
By participating in the Scavenger Hunt and using the discount codes, you agree to abide by these terms and conditions.