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Declawing Debate – Jackson’s Response

Declawing Debate – Jackson’s Response

Declawing has always been a very important issue to me, as it should be for anybody who loves cats (or respects animals). This video is pretty self-explanatory but, just to recap: I got a last minute interview request from a “news” show discussing proposed legislation to ban declawing in the state of New Jersey. I provided 15 minutes of anecdotal and empirical evidence to support the case against declawing and promote the passing of the bill. By the time the show was presented, they included only a few seconds of my footage in an introductory package. The harm was done when afterwards they opened the discussion to a panel who made a mockery of this bill and diminish the impact it would have on the animal world without giving me (the only cat expert in the story) a chance to plead the case. This act of highjackery deserves a response and here it is:

In the meantime, if you want to learn about declawing and S1209, please check out my YouTube videos on the topic (links at the end of the video) and sign the petition: https://www.change.org/p/support-new-jersey-s-ant...

Learn more about declawing with the film 'The Paw Project' now on Netflix



For the full referenced segment click here to view.

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