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Vacations // #TeamCatMojo Tips

Vacations // #TeamCatMojo Tips


Vacations for Your Cat

When I meet with people on the street, I get a lot of questions. I’m happy to share my cat-expertise with you. That’s why we’ve started a new series of emails full of #TeamCatMojoTips! 

Many of us will be taking a vacation this summer, I know I’m looking forward to a much needed break – bet you are too! But dozens of our pet guardians have been asking how to care for their pets when they aren’t home.

Just because cats don’t protest as loudly as dogs does not mean that they don’t experience that same distress with changes in routines. You want to keep those rituals intact the best you can. Hire a pet sitter, someone who will come over once or twice a day. Or, if your pet is really needy, do an overnight. It’s important to keep that stability.

Here are some additional tips that will help while you are on vacation:

#1 – Keep them busy! There’s no substitute for live playtime with you, but self-activated toys, puzzles and “Cat TV” can help pass the time.

#2 – Make sure they have an ample supply of food and fresh water.
• Fountains - help keep water from becoming stagnant

#3 - Consider aids to help ease the adjustment.
• Stress Stopper - can help reduce stress
• Separation Anxiety - helps with (what else?) separation anxiety
• Scaredy Cat - we even developed a special formula to help those cats who are on almost constant alert and living mostly under the bed and in closets


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