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Vet Trips // #TeamCatMojo Tips

Vet Trips // #TeamCatMojo Tips

#TeamCatMojo Tips - Vet Trips

Next week is National Take Your Cat to the Vet Day and we want you to help keep your cat healthy with routine check-ups. In this week’s #TeamCatMojoTips we’ll be talking all about the veterinarian’s office.

Did you know that 83% of cats visit the veterinarian before their 1st birthday, but over 50% don’t return until they become sick or are in pain? With regular health care, your veterinarian can often detect conditions that may affect your cat’s long-term health. Watch my video with Dr. Elizabeth Collaren former President of the American Association of Feline Practitioners to learn more.

Still not convinced they need to go regularly? Here are 5 reasons from the American Association of Feline Practitioners that postponing your cat’s check-up does not pay off.

  1. Cats age much more rapidly than humans. A cat reaches the human age of 15 during its 1st year and 24 by its 2nd year. Each year after, your cat ages 4 “cat years” for every calendar year. Annual veterinary care is crucial because a lot can happen in 4 cat years.
  2. Cats are masters of hiding illness and pain. Cats are excellent at hiding signs they are sick or in pain. Your cat could be developing a health condition long before you notice anything is wrong.
  3. Your cat may be overweight. Over 50% of cats are overweight or obese. Your vet will check your cat’s weight and provide recommendations to help keep your cat at its ideal weight.
  4. Let your vet know about any behavior changes. Make a list of information, concerns, and questions to share at your cat’s annual check-up. You may not recognize some behavior changes as being significant but these subtle changes may help uncover hidden issues.
  5. Preventative care is better than reactive care. Regular exams help avoid medical emergencies since vets can often detect conditions or diseases long before they become significant, painful or costly to treat.

Want to know more? Click here.

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