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Play // #TeamCatMojo Tips

Play // #TeamCatMojo Tips


#TeamCatMojo Tips - Play

You guys have been great with sending your questions to us! This one recently caught my eye: "Got any tips about properly playing with my cat?"

This is a good one! Playing with your cat should be easy enough, right? Well, sort of. Sometimes it can be difficult to gauge their interest and know if they’re really having fun with us. But don’t worry, I can help!

Firstly, think about what makes your cat tick. For most cats, it’s hunting and killing animals, right? That’s their instinct. If you always keep that in mind, you two will have a great time.

Wondering about the rhythm and pacing of playtime? Watch this video where I show how to create the catch and kill tempo with your cat. Two things to keep in mind: consistency (do it daily) and treats for a final reward.


Check out my store and selection of interactive toys in the carousel below to get started!

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