I believe that the pathway to a happy life with your cats is through understanding all cats so that you can know your cat, and can deepen your relationship with them. Whether you're here to solve a problem or prevent it from happening in the first place, I’ve put together a thorough catalog of posts & videos to get you where you need to go. I encourage you to explore it all!


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Cat Introductions Part 1: Before the Introduction

Cat Introductions Part 1: Before the Introduction

In my experience, bringing a new cat into another cat’s home can either be seen as no big deal, or a huge challenge. The truth, however, generally lies somewhere in...

Cat Introductions Part 1: Before the Introduction

In my experience, bringing a new cat into another cat’s home can either be seen as no big deal, or a huge challenge. The truth, however, generally lies somewhere in...

Cat Introductions Part 2: Welcome Home!

Cat Introductions Part 2: Welcome Home!

A note about this series: Introducing cats to other animals can be a tricky affair. That said, it can also be smooth sailing, with very little potential conflict. And, it...

Cat Introductions Part 2: Welcome Home!

A note about this series: Introducing cats to other animals can be a tricky affair. That said, it can also be smooth sailing, with very little potential conflict. And, it...

Cat Introductions Part 3: Dinner Time

Cat Introductions Part 3: Dinner Time

A note about this series: Introducing cats to other animals can be a tricky affair. That said, it can also be smooth sailing, with very little potential conflict. And, it...

Cat Introductions Part 3: Dinner Time

A note about this series: Introducing cats to other animals can be a tricky affair. That said, it can also be smooth sailing, with very little potential conflict. And, it...

Does Your Cat Have Dementia?

Does Your Cat Have Dementia?

Some years back, my friends and I rescued an old Maine Coon from a freezing barn in Iowa after a blizzard. We took him home, named him Grolsch (my friend...

Does Your Cat Have Dementia?

Some years back, my friends and I rescued an old Maine Coon from a freezing barn in Iowa after a blizzard. We took him home, named him Grolsch (my friend...

Cat Introductions Part 5: The Final Countdown

Cat Introductions Part 5: The Final Countdown

A note about this series: Introducing cats to other animals can be a tricky affair. That said, it can also be smooth sailing, with very little potential conflict. And, it...

Cat Introductions Part 5: The Final Countdown

A note about this series: Introducing cats to other animals can be a tricky affair. That said, it can also be smooth sailing, with very little potential conflict. And, it...

Stop Unwanted Behavior

Stop Unwanted Behavior

Does your cat do things that you ... hate!? Whether that's scratching your furniture, walking on counters, waking you in the middle of the night, door-dashing or something else, I...

Stop Unwanted Behavior

Does your cat do things that you ... hate!? Whether that's scratching your furniture, walking on counters, waking you in the middle of the night, door-dashing or something else, I...

What is FLOOF?

What is FLOOF?

Do you know what FLOOF is? You don't?! What the floof! Join me NOW for a live chat and video premiere with a lot of cat cuteness:

What is FLOOF?

Do you know what FLOOF is? You don't?! What the floof! Join me NOW for a live chat and video premiere with a lot of cat cuteness:

What Cats REALLY Want: How to Choose the Best Holiday Gifts for Them!

What Cats REALLY Want: How to Choose the Best H...

SHOP MY HOLIDAY GIFT GUIDE! Stumped on what to gift your feline friends for the holidays? I'm here to help! I've made a list - and checked it twice -...

What Cats REALLY Want: How to Choose the Best H...

SHOP MY HOLIDAY GIFT GUIDE! Stumped on what to gift your feline friends for the holidays? I'm here to help! I've made a list - and checked it twice -...

Help Your Shy and Scared Cat Gain Confidence!

Help Your Shy and Scared Cat Gain Confidence!

If your cat is a Wallflower you've probably asked these questions: "Why does my cat hide all the time", "How can I help my cat come out?" Is your cat...

Help Your Shy and Scared Cat Gain Confidence!

If your cat is a Wallflower you've probably asked these questions: "Why does my cat hide all the time", "How can I help my cat come out?" Is your cat...

Adopt a Senior Pet Month

Adopt a Senior Pet Month

HAPPY NATIONAL ADOPT A SENIOR PET MONTH! Here I am with Velouria who lived to the super senior age of 26! She is just one of many seniors who have...

Adopt a Senior Pet Month

HAPPY NATIONAL ADOPT A SENIOR PET MONTH! Here I am with Velouria who lived to the super senior age of 26! She is just one of many seniors who have...

Are Black Cats Bad Luck?

Are Black Cats Bad Luck?

t’s sad but true – black cats have been truly vilified throughout our history, from mythology to being burned at the stake as witches to.. well every superstition you can...

Are Black Cats Bad Luck?

t’s sad but true – black cats have been truly vilified throughout our history, from mythology to being burned at the stake as witches to.. well every superstition you can...

How to Help Feral & Community Cats

How to Help Feral & Community Cats

This National Feral Cat Day (and every day!) let us show love to feral cats by doing our part to help control their population and keep them as healthy as possible. Trap...

How to Help Feral & Community Cats

This National Feral Cat Day (and every day!) let us show love to feral cats by doing our part to help control their population and keep them as healthy as possible. Trap...



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